Tortoises are fascinating reptiles known for their slow and steady demeanour. As herbivores, they primarily consume a variety of leafy greens and vegetables. Celery leaves, a common ingredient in human salads and cooking may pique the curiosity of tortoise owners. But can tortoises eat celery leaves? In this article, we’ll explore the suitability of celery leaves in a tortoise’s diet and guide on incorporating them into their meal plan.

The Nutritional Value of Celery Leaves:

Before delving into whether tortoises can eat celery leaves, it’s essential to understand the nutritional profile of these greens. Celery leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals, making them a potentially beneficial addition to a tortoise’s diet. They include important nutrients such as vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A, and folate. Celery leaves also provide dietary fibre and small amounts of calcium, which are necessary for maintaining healthy bones in tortoises.

However, it’s worth noting that celery leaves also contain oxalates, which can inhibit calcium absorption if consumed excessively. Therefore, moderation is key when feeding celery leaves to your tortoise.

Feeding Celery Leaves to Tortoises:

While celery leaves can be a nutritious treat for your tortoise, it’s important to follow some guidelines to ensure their health and well-being:

  • Freshness is Vital: Always serve fresh celery leaves to your tortoise. Avoid any leaves that are wilted, yellowing, or show signs of spoilage.
  • Wash Thoroughly: Rinse celery leaves thoroughly under operating water to remove any dirt, pesticides, or chemicals that may be present.
  • Chop into Small Pieces: Tortoises have relatively small mouths, so it’s a good idea to chop celery leaves into bite-sized pieces to make them easier to eat.
  • Offer in Moderation: As mentioned, celery leaves contain oxalates that can conflict with lime absorption if consumed excessively. Therefore, celery leaves should be offered as an occasional treat, not a staple.
  • Diversity is Key: A varied diet is essential for a tortoise’s health. Celery leaves should be just one component of a broader selection of leafy greens and vegetables in your tortoise’s diet. Include other nutritious options like dandelion greens, kale, collard greens, and romaine lettuce.
  • Monitor Your Tortoise: Consider how your tortoise reacts to celery leaves. Some tortoises may enjoy them, while others may not show interest. Every tortoise is unique, so adapt their diet accordingly.
  • Avoid Seasonings and Additives: Never add salt, seasonings, or additives to celery leaves when feeding them to your tortoise. Keep the leaves as natural as possible.

Can Tortoises Eat Celery Leaves?

Yes, tortoises can eat celery leaves, but it should be done in moderation and as part of a balanced diet. Celery leaves are leafy greens and can provide some nutritional benefits for tortoises. They contain vitamins like vitamin K, vitamin C, and vitamin A, as well as dietary fibre. However, they also contain oxalates, which can interfere with calcium absorption if consumed excessively.

Can Tortoises Eat Celery Leaves?
Can Tortoises Eat Celery Leaves?

Conclusion: Can Tortoises Eat Celery Leaves?

In conclusion, celery leaves can be a nutritious addition to a tortoise’s diet when offered in moderation and as part of a well-balanced meal plan. They provide essential nutrients and minerals that can contribute to your tortoise’s whole health. However, it’s crucial to exercise caution and not overfeed celery leaves due to their oxalate content. As with any dietary change, consult with a veterinarian who specializes in reptile care for personalized advice on your tortoise’s nutritional needs. By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your tortoise enjoys a healthy and varied diet that supports its well-being and longevity.


Are celery leaves nutritious for tortoises?

Celery leaves contain some nutrients that can benefit tortoises, such as fibre and vitamins. However, they should be just one component of a varied diet.

Can tortoises eat celery stalks as well?

Yes, tortoises can eat celery stalks, but they should be given in moderation as they are higher in water content and lower in nutrients compared to the leaves.

How should I prepare celery leaves for my tortoise?

Wash the celery leaves thoroughly to remove any pesticides or contaminants. Chop them into smaller, manageable pieces to make it easier for your tortoise to eat.

Can I feed my tortoise only celery leaves?

No, tortoises should not be fed only celery leaves. A well-balanced diet regimen that consists of a mix of different vegetables and greens is essential for their health.

How often can I give celery leaves to my tortoise?

Celery leaves can be offered as an occasional treat, but they should not make up most of your tortoise’s diet. Stick to a balanced diet and use celery leaves sparingly.

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